About Us


Promotion – Distribution – Production  – Event Planning – Booking – Multi Media & News


HMI PROMZ NEWS is an independent communication and multimedia company working in the promotion, distribution, production of Haitian music and culture in general. This  multidimensional company was founded on  March 30, 2019 by career journalist  Claude Bellevue, gathering around him, a group of professionals  working in the field of information,  public relations, major events,  marketing, audiovisual, staging, lighting, sound and artistic creation in order to offer an international audience to the rich Haitian culture.

The main objective of HMI PROMZ NEWS is to encourage the Haitian parliament to develop a law-framework   governing the artistic profession in Haiti. This law is intended to equip professionals working in this sector with the necessary legislative tools that can help commercialize Haitian art around the world. This legal framework must also foster a better understanding and consensus with other international partners working in the field to sign possible production, distribution, or international tours to the benefit of our artists. We also aim to promote young talents and new musical or artistic groups   in forums and major international concerts.

Our specific objective is to work with all stakeholders at the artistic, governmental and private level to stimulate a national debate on the artistic profession in Haiti and respect for intellectual property, this same debate will lead to legal tools that can serve artists to sign potential contracts with other international actors working in the field for the good of  Haitian music and culture.

To achieve our ant goal, we aim to make available to the sector a group of professionals with knowledge in the field and a group of lawyers to help in the supervision of record contracts, shows, patrons etc.

To realize this ambitious dream  HMI PROMZ  NEWS makes available its own website, an online radio and television station that will be supported by social networking platforms such as:  Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube channel, Alexa,  TikTok, Roku,  HMI PROMZ  NEWS App Store easy to download on Android and  iPhone in order to reach a wider audience to better promote our goal,  our potential shows and our artists.




HMI PROMZ NEWS is also a private entertainment and performing arts production company governed by Massachusetts state laws and Haitian laws. This entertainment company is the master of any contract signed between a third party to produce, distribute, promote, organize shows in Haiti and abroad. Only the signature of its executive director is valid according to the charter of this company filed legally in the United States of America and Haiti.


  • EXECUTIF PRODUCER: is the managing director of HMI PROMZ NEWS. It is responsible for signing any contract, supervising all branches, and ensuring that all areas of intervention of this entertainment company are carried out professionally in order to achieve the stated objective.


  • DIRECTION OF INFORMATION: Is responsible for dispatching potential journalists working on behalf of HMI PROMZ NEWS to cover all cultural events both in Haiti and abroad and to ensure that all information reported by radio and television is verified.


  • DIRECTION OF MARKETING: is responsible for leading the policy of popularizing Haitian music and culture around the world. It is also responsible for seeking out and signing all contracts relating to the advertising or promotion of our possible shows.


  • AUDIOVISUAL DIRECTION: is responsible for producing any audiovisual document on behalf of HMI PROMZ NEWS. It will also ensure that the quality of the broadcast of all audiovisual material is good and respects the law governing it.


  • MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC DIRECTION: is the task of a professional in the field who is responsible for guiding our possible shows and working to discover new talents. Works with all the decentralized management of HMI PROMZ NEWS, including the executive producer.


  • DIRECTION OF THE CREATION AND THE STAGE: is responsible for working on the sets, from the costume to the theme of the show, to innovate the way the staging should be performed. To this end, once  HMI PROMZ  NEWS  manages to sign with an artist or a musical group, this artist or musical group in question must respect the  artistic concepts  of  HMI PROMZ  NEWS  in terms of sound, costumes, colors and lighting in order to better value the group or artist and Haitian culture on the national and international


  • DIRECTION OF LIGHTING AND SPECIAL EFFECTS: is responsible for working with the artistic and directing directors to respect the idea and essence of the show in question so that the light, special effects and staging are in symbiosis for the happiness of the spectators


  • DIRECTION OF THE SONORISATION: is responsible for working with the sound engineers of potential groups or artists who will be performing in order to guarantee a good and perfect sound system respecting the idea and essence of the show in question. It will also ensure that no band or artist is a victim compared to another in a concert where several bands will perform. It scrupulously executes the instructions of the executive


  • LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT: is responsible for the machinery of this entertainment company, namely: the transportation of all instruments and equipment planned as part of the production of the show in question. She is also responsible for the transportation of costumes and accessories. She provides transportation for the artists and the entire technical and artistic team, and is also responsible for the food for the entire team in general. She will ensure that within 24 hours  of  the show that all are implemented, and, has the certainty that everything is ready..  It is required to present and give a detailed report to the executive producer of any accomplishments and possible problems to be solved for the success of the show. This deconcentrate direction is not entitled to error.


  • DIRECTION OF LEGAL AFFAIRS AND CONFLICT RESOLUTIONS: Is responsible for representing HMI PROMZ NEWS in court, drafting, or evaluating all contracts that will be signed by this entertainment company. Assist HMI PROMZ NEWS employees in She is also likely to assist potential artists in court if necessary. Help to draft a legal framework governing the profession of artist in Haiti and lobby necessary for this legal framework to be voted on at the level of both houses of the Haitian parliament in.


Musically yours, 

Claude Bellevue


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